
Beyond the Welcome Email:

A Comprehensive Guide to Supporting Effective Transitions

Have you ever wanted support with how you welcome young children and families into your school-based classroom at the start of the year? Let's overhaul your current transition process and get you thinking about things laterally.

This guide has been created for classroom-based early childhood educators.

ooh - tell me more!

Rewards, Motivation and Praise - Oh My!:

An Exporation of the Research Behind Rewards in Early Childhood Education


Are you a little sick of the blanket statements out there about using rewards with children? Because - same.

Rewards are good, rewards are bad, rewards damage children, blah blah blah. These statements are not helpful in the slightest! 

You know what is helpful? My 90-minute prerecorded masterclass dishing the dirt on what research *actually* says about rewards and how to use them effectively.

reward me!

 Big Feelings 101: An Introduction to Emotional Competence in the Early Years.

My free video series!

Want to know more about supporting children's emotional competence in your practice? Look no further.

In three short videos I'll walk you through the fundamentals of emotional competence as well as how to bring it to life in your practice.

heck yes - i need this!