
The Little Bloom Why

Little Bloom Consultancy is an evidence-informed hub dedicated to supporting educators on their journey to better support children’s emotional development, behaviour and WHOLE well-being.

As an early years educator, I've worked in many roles and with all age groups up to 6-year-olds. I have always been passionate about honouring children's rights in my practice as well as prioritising social and emotional learning and respectful ways of guiding behaviour. This passion has amplified to a place where I feel driven to share my  learnings, experiences, and strategies with a broader audience.

Through my vast experience, what's become more and more clear for me is the need for support in these areas. My hope is that I can create a ripple effect in which more educators and leaders will be armed with the tools and knowledge to best support young children.

It is a child’s innate right to have us view their big feelings and behaviours through a lens of understanding and guidance … without shame, negativity, or punitive measures. It’s heartbreaking to have witnessed this in my time as a teacher in my various roles, both for the children as well as the educators desperately seeking support.

Change is needed, but that pathway is not always clear. It is within this sweet spot, that pathway, that I am planting myself to be that support, advocacy and voice for educators, leaders and children.